Wizard 101 Wiki

So today I decided to try to do something in game, but there's one problem - I can't play for a large amount of time and guess where I am in the game... The counterweights and Big Ben. I knew I couldn't do much about that so I decided to leave Marleybone and go to Krokotopia to finish a side quest in the Tomb of Storms that I previously hadn't. Basically, I had a heck of a lot of fun dominating the Rank 3s and 4s of the Ahnic and Djeserit Family Tombs. (Humongofrog is VERY useful there) In addition, the side quests I happen to be doing weren't updated so that was something for me to do. (see Dem Bones for an example) The coolest part was that I got an awesome rank 4 treasure card from The Bonekeeper - The Bonekeeper Treasure Card. On top of all that, I finished taking the screenshots for Victor Darkwood's page. So that was basically my day today... Not very exciting, but I'll take the progress. Please post a comment if you read this (I wonder how many people read these...)
